Everybody needs to blow their own trumpet once in a while, and our proud team is no exception to that rule. After all, we worked hard to make TopNotepad users’ favorite invoicing, accounting & CRM app, adding a pinch of our user-centric passion to the batch of knowledge and expertise that was required to ‘wrap’ TopNotepad this nicely. Our product’s reliable capabilities also caught the eye of software review experts from FinancesOnline, a popular SaaS and B2B software review platform that simply doesn’t keep an eye on products where there is nothing to see.
We thank them for the great review, when they contacted us to share some even better news: FinancesOnline’s experiences SaaS team decided our service qualified for two of their prestigious awards! For one, we are now the proud holders of their Great User Experience Award for 2016, and secondly - they awarded us their Rising Star for the same year! The first award distinguishes apps that made a noticeable contribution to streamlined setup and delivered a user-friendly interface, while the second one is given only to rapidly developing apps that gained significant influence on the market and get recognition among their users.
The announcement by FinancesOnline confirmed what we suspected: experts were particularly keen on TopNotepad’s capacity to keep business owners in complete control of their workflow, delivering a plethora of out-of-the-box invoicing capacities. As they explained, there aren’t many apps that manage leads and do bookkeeping in such a synchronized manner, definitely not ones that can go as far as an outstanding CRM can. To our users, we are that ‘one-stop-shop’ customer/employee management asset, which was what we dreamt of back in the days, drafting ideas for our new app. The experts praised our log expenses feature, as well as the fact we made it possible to track lead sources, and then wished us to keep up the good work. At that moment, we made them the same promise we made you long ago: our tool will help your business grow, and you will love the experience!
We thank them for the great review, when they contacted us to share some even better news: FinancesOnline’s experiences SaaS team decided our service qualified for two of their prestigious awards! For one, we are now the proud holders of their Great User Experience Award for 2016, and secondly - they awarded us their Rising Star for the same year! The first award distinguishes apps that made a noticeable contribution to streamlined setup and delivered a user-friendly interface, while the second one is given only to rapidly developing apps that gained significant influence on the market and get recognition among their users.
The announcement by FinancesOnline confirmed what we suspected: experts were particularly keen on TopNotepad’s capacity to keep business owners in complete control of their workflow, delivering a plethora of out-of-the-box invoicing capacities. As they explained, there aren’t many apps that manage leads and do bookkeeping in such a synchronized manner, definitely not ones that can go as far as an outstanding CRM can. To our users, we are that ‘one-stop-shop’ customer/employee management asset, which was what we dreamt of back in the days, drafting ideas for our new app. The experts praised our log expenses feature, as well as the fact we made it possible to track lead sources, and then wished us to keep up the good work. At that moment, we made them the same promise we made you long ago: our tool will help your business grow, and you will love the experience!