Delivery Note Maker

Create quotations, invoices, delivery note online

Delivery Note is a critical document issued by the seller of goods. Having a standard delivery note maker in soft format helps issue this document as and when required. This document is sent to the buyer of goods accompanying a shipment that lists the description and quantity of the goods that are being delivered.

The objective of issuing a delivery note is to get an acknowledgement from the buyer regarding successful delivery of the order. This a copy of the delivery note, signed by the buyer or consignee, is returned to the seller or consignor as a proof of delivery.

There are many delivery note templates out there, the format of the delivery note is more or less similar across the different templates. An unambiguous delivery note carries following information:

Issuing Company Name:

Information about the business i.e., the seller of the goods needs to be clearly provided right on the header section of the delivery note.

Issuing Company Address:

Just after the name of the business the note should carry the address and contact details of the company issuing the delivery note.

Invoice details:

It is good to have the details of the invoice against which the delivery note is being issued. This section must include the invoice number.

Client details:

This section must include the name of the buyer and the billing address.

Delivery address:

Please note, the delivery address could be same as client address or in some cases it may be different if the client has requested for delivery of goods to some other location like the warehouse. The delivery note should clearly highlight the client address and delivery address even when both are same.

Description and quantities:

This is the most important section. It includes the details of goods that are being delivered along with the quantity for each item.


This is an additional text area where the seller can provide any special comments or provide instructions related to the goods that are being delivered.

We strongly recommend TopNotepad for issuing delivery notes. It is an all-in-one software for invoicing and accounting. It provides option to issue other key documents related to trade and finance such as the payment receipt, delivery note, purchase order etc.,